如何用日语语法表达“无论……还是……”的含义 涉及四种相似的日语表达方式:「関わらず」「につけ…につけ」「にしろ…にしろ」「でも…でも」。它们的意思都有“无论……还是……”的含义,但用法有所不同。它们在 N4、N3、N2 的考察情况,尤其是 N2... JLPT考点深度解析# CN# JLPT-N2# JLPT-N3 1周前9
表示“由于……的原因”相关的日语文法 在日语中,表示**“由于……的原因”** 的语法有很多,尤其是在 N4、N3、N2 级别的考试中,会考察不同程度的因果关系表达方式。下面是一些常见的表达方式,并按 JLPT 级别整理出来。 🟢 N4 ... JLPT考点深度解析# CN# JLPT-N2# JLPT-N3 1周前7
How to say to lead to, to cause, to trigger something in Japanese Here’s a detailed explanation of these related words and their grammar. These words, especially 「もたら... JLPT考点深度解析# EN# JLPT-N3 1周前6
How to say something might happen in Japanese 1. "〜恐れがある" vs. "〜かもしれない" (Differences and When to Use Each) ✅ Similarities: Both expressions indica... JLPT考点深度解析# EN# JLPT-N3 1周前7
How to say Must not do and Cannot continue to do in Japanese 1. Introduce about 「てはいけない」and 「てはいられない」 ✅ Similarities: Both structures include 「ては」 and are somewh... JLPT考点深度解析# EN# JLPT-N3 1周前7
How to say “Not having to do something” or “Avoiding something” in Japanese You can use 「〜ずに済む」and「〜しなくてもいい」to describe you have think about not to do something also be OK. Dif... JLPT考点深度解析# EN# JLPT-N3 1周前6
Grammar Structures for “Doing A First, Then Doing B” in Japanese (N2 Level Focus) In JLPT N2, several grammar structures express "doing A first, then doing B". While 「上で」 is the most... JLPT考点深度解析# EN# JLPT-N3 1周前7
How to say Since… then must… in Japanese 「からには」「うえは」「以上は」 all express a strong sense of obligation, determination, or inevitability after a c... JLPT考点深度解析# EN# JLPT-N3 1周前6
How to say impossible or no reason for that to be true in Japanese Yes, 「はずがない」 and 「わけがない」 both express strong denial or impossibility, but they have different nuance... JLPT考点深度解析# EN# JLPT-N3 1周前6
How to say should to do or must to do in Japanese 「べきだ」 and 「はずだ」 both express an expectation about a situation, but they have different nuances and u... JLPT考点深度解析# EN# JLPT-N3 1周前6