How to say something might happen in Japanese

1. “〜恐れがある” vs. “〜かもしれない” (Differences and When to Use Each)

✅ Similarities:

  • Both expressions indicate “possibility” (A might happen).
  • Both can be used for predictions, but their nuance differs.

✅ Main Differences:

Expression Meaning & Nuance Usage
「〜恐れがある」 A might happen (usually negative, expressing risk or danger). Formal settings, announcements, news, warnings.
「〜かもしれない」 A might happen (neutral, can be positive or negative). Daily conversation, casual personal predictions.

2. “〜恐れがある”

✅ Structure:

V dictionary form / Noun + の + 恐れがある

✅ Meaning:

  • Indicates “there is a possibility that something bad may happen.”
  • Has a strong sense of warning, risk, or concern.
  • Mainly used in formal contexts, written language, and public announcements.

📌 Example Sentences

  1. 「台風が接近しているため、大雨の恐れがあります。」
    (Since the typhoon is approaching, there is a possibility of heavy rain.)
    → Used in news or weather forecasts.
  2. 「この薬には副作用の恐れがあります。」
    (This medicine may have side effects.)
    → Used in medical instructions.
  3. 「地震の恐れがあるため、避難してください。」
    (There is a risk of an earthquake, so please evacuate.)
    → Used in emergency alerts.

✅ 📌 Summary of “恐れがある” Usage:

  • Usually expresses a negative possibility (disasters, illness, accidents, risks).
  • Used in official statements, news, and government warnings (e.g., weather forecasts, medical notices, emergency alerts).
  • Formal and not used in daily conversation.

3. “〜かもしれない”

✅ Structure:

V casual form / い-adjective / な-adjective / Noun + かもしれない

✅ Meaning:

  • Expresses uncertainty about something that might happen.
  • Can refer to both positive and negative possibilities.
  • More casual than “恐れがある,” commonly used in daily conversation.

📌 Example Sentences

  1. 「明日は雨が降るかもしれない。」
    (It might rain tomorrow.)
    → A personal guess, not an official forecast.
  2. 「彼はもう家に帰ったかもしれない。」
    (He might have already gone home.)
    → A casual assumption.
  3. 「この問題は簡単かもしれないね。」
    (This problem might be easy.)
    → Used in casual conversation.

✅ 📌 Summary of “かもしれない” Usage:

  • Suitable for everyday conversation, more relaxed tone.
  • Can indicate either positive or negative possibilities.
  • Used for expressing personal guesses and assumptions.

4. Can “〜恐れがある” and “〜かもしれない” Be Used Interchangeably?

✅ These two expressions CANNOT always replace each other.

❌ Cases Where They Cannot Be Interchanged

Sentence Reason
「台風が近づいているため、大雨の恐れがあります。」 ❌ 「台風が近づいているため、大雨が降るかもしれません。」 “恐れがある” is used for news reports, emphasizing risk, while “かもしれない” is too casual for official announcements.
「この薬には副作用の恐れがあります。」 ❌ 「この薬には副作用があるかもしれません。」 “恐れがある” is for medical documents that emphasize risk. “かもしれない” sounds too uncertain for a warning.
「地震の恐れがあるため、避難してください。」 ❌ 「地震があるかもしれませんので、避難してください。」 “恐れがある” is used for emergency alerts. “かもしれない” sounds too weak for such a critical situation.

⭕ Cases Where They Can Be Interchanged

Sentence Applicable Context
「彼はまだ家に帰っていないかもしれない。」✅ 「彼はまだ家に帰っていない恐れがある。」 If you’re worried about his safety, “恐れがある” can be used, but “かもしれない” sounds more natural.
「飛行機が遅れるかもしれない。」 ✅ 「飛行機が遅れる恐れがある。」 In casual conversation, “かもしれない” is better, but in airport announcements, “恐れがある” is more appropriate.

📌 Conclusion:

  • ✅ For official reports, news, and warnings → Use「恐れがある」.
  • ✅ For casual conversation, general speculation → Use「かもしれない」.
  • ✅ If talking about risks, use “恐れがある.” If just guessing, use “かもしれない.”

5. Which One Appears More Often in the JLPT N2/N3 Exams?

✅ 「〜恐れがある」 is an important N2 grammar point.

  • Frequently appears in JLPT N2 grammar and reading comprehension questions.
  • Often used in news articles, official announcements, medical descriptions, and warnings.
  • Also tested alongside「〜可能性がある」 (which has a similar meaning).

✅ 「〜かもしれない」 is a key N3 grammar point.

  • Commonly appears in N3-level grammar and listening exercises.
  • Used in conversations, casual text, and informal speech.

📌 JLPT N2/N3 Exam Frequency

Expression JLPT Level Exam Frequency
「〜恐れがある」 N2 🌟🌟🌟🌟 (High)
「〜かもしれない」 N3 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (Very High)

6. Conclusion

✅ 「恐れがある」 → Formal, used for warnings and serious risks. (N2 level)
✅ 「かもしれない」 → Casual, used for general possibility. (N3 level)

💡 If it’s an announcement, news, or warning → Use「恐れがある」.
💡 If it’s a casual conversation or simple guess → Use「かもしれない」.

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