How to say should to do or must to do in Japanese
「べきだ」 and 「はずだ」 both express an expectation about a situation, but they have different nuances and usage contexts. Below is a detailed comparison:
1. 「べきだ」 – Expressing Strong Moral or Logical Obligation
Grammar Structure
Verb dictionary form + べきだ
する → するべきだ or すべきだ (both forms are correct, but すべき is more common)
Meaning & Usage
- Expresses a strong sense of obligation, duty, or recommendation.
- It implies that something must be done or should be done, based on moral, logical, or general rules.
- Often used in instructions, personal opinions, or advice.
✅ 学生は勉強するべきだ。
(Students should study.) → A general rule or expectation for students.
✅ 約束は守るべきだ。
(You should keep your promises.) → A moral obligation.
✅ そんなことを言うべきではない。
(You shouldn’t say such things.) → Expressing strong disapproval.
🚫 Caution: 「べきだ」 expresses a strong sense of obligation, so it may sound too strict or forceful in casual conversations.
2. 「はずだ」 – Expressing Expectation Based on Reasoning
Grammar Structure
Verb dictionary form / ない-form + はずだ
い-adjective + はずだ
な-adjective / noun + の + はずだ
Meaning & Usage
- Expresses expectation based on logic, experience, or evidence.
- It means “should be” or “I believe it must be like this.”
- It is not about obligation, but about what one believes is true based on some reasoning.
✅ 彼は今ごろ家にいるはずだ。
(He should be at home by now.) → Based on logical reasoning.
✅ この時計は高かったから、長く使えるはずだ。
(This watch was expensive, so it should last a long time.) → Expectation based on price.
✅ 彼は日本に10年住んでいるから、日本語が話せるはずだ。
(He has been living in Japan for 10 years, so he should be able to speak Japanese.) → Logical assumption.
🚫 Caution: If something contradicts your expectation, you can use: ✅ 「はずがない」 (There is no way…)
✅ 「そんなはずはない」 (That can’t be true!)
3. Key Differences Between「べきだ」 and 「はずだ」
Aspect | べきだ | はずだ |
Meaning | “Should do / Must do” | “Should be / Must be” |
Focus | Obligation or recommendation | Expectation or logical assumption |
Context | Giving advice, expressing duty or responsibility | Making predictions based on facts or logic |
Example 1 | 学生は勉強するべきだ。 (Students should study.) | 彼は今勉強しているはずだ。 (He should be studying now.) |
Example 2 | 人を傷つけるべきではない。 (You shouldn’t hurt people.) | 彼はそんなことを言うはずがない。 (He would never say such a thing.) |
Tone | Stronger, more directive | Softer, more about belief or expectation |
4. When They Cannot Be Interchanged
❌「べきだ」 Cannot Replace「はずだ」
✅ 彼は今家にいるはずだ。 (He should be at home now.)
❌ 彼は今家にいるべきだ。 (Sounds unnatural unless implying obligation.)
❌「はずだ」 Cannot Replace「べきだ」
✅ 約束は守るべきだ。 (You should keep your promises.)
❌ 約束は守るはずだ。 (This means “I expect you to keep your promises,” which has a different meaning.)
5. Summary
- 「べきだ」 = Obligation / Duty / Moral expectation → “should do” / “must do”
- 「はずだ」 = Logical expectation / Prediction → “should be” / “must be true”
💡 If you want to give advice or set rules, use べきだ.
💡 If you want to make logical assumptions, use はずだ.