How to use “もし〜たら、〜”

The grammar 「もし〜、〜」 and 「もし〜たら、〜」 are essential for expressing hypothetical or conditional situations in Japanese. They are commonly tested in JLPT N4 or N3, as conditional clauses are fundamental in communication. 

Table of Contents

1. 「もし〜、〜」 Grammar Explanation

「もし」 is used to indicate a hypothetical situation, equivalent to “if” or “in case” in English. It’s often paired with conditional forms such as たらなら, or ても.


  • もし + clause (conditional form), main clause

    • Examples of conditional forms:

      1. 〜たら (hypothetical result)
      2. 〜ば (logical condition)
      3. 〜なら (assumption)
      4. 〜ても (even if)

Key Characteristics:

  • Emphasizes a condition that may or may not happen.
  • Adds a touch of uncertainty or speculation.
  • Often used to encourage imagination or future planning.

2. 「もし〜たら、〜」 Grammar Explanation

「もし〜たら、〜」 specifically combines もし with たら, which expresses a definite condition that, if fulfilled, would lead to a specific result.


  • もし + verb (た-form) + ら, main clause

    • Example: もし雨が降ったら、試合は中止です (If it rains, the match will be canceled.)

Key Characteristics:

  • Focuses on cause-effect relationships in hypothetical situations.
  • Indicates a clear what-if scenario, often used to describe decisions, plans, or reactions.

Differences Between 「もし〜」 and 「もし〜たら」

Aspect もし〜 もし〜たら
Usage General conditional situation Hypothetical result based on a specific condition
Flexibility Can pair with various conditional forms Strictly uses たら form
Certainty Emphasizes uncertainty Implies a strong cause-effect
Examples もし雨が降れば、寒くなる
(If it rains, it gets cold.)
(If it rains, please bring an umbrella.)

Does JLPT Test This Grammar?

Yes, JLPT frequently tests this grammar, particularly for:

  • Conditional expressions (N4, N3 levels).
  • Distinguishing between たら, and なら.
  • Understanding the nuance of hypothetical situations.

Example Test Questions

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

  1. (N4-Level)
    もし友達が来(   )、私は彼を駅まで迎えに行きます。
    a. たら
    b. ても
    c. なら
    d. のに
    Answer: a. たら
  2. (N4-Level)
    もしその本が安(   )、買おうと思います。
    a. ければ
    b. たら
    c. ても
    d. なら
    Answer: a. ければ
  3. (N3-Level)
    もし雨が降ったら、試合は(   )。
    a. 中止です
    b. 開催します
    c. おもしろいです
    d. 無理です
    Answer: a. 中止です
  4. (N3-Level)
    もし今日が日曜日(   )、私は家にいます。
    a. なら
    b. のに
    c. たら
    d. ても
    Answer: a. なら

Practical Skills for Using These Forms

  1. Recognize flexibility of 「もし」: Use it with various conditional forms to expand your sentences.

    • もし頑張れば、合格できる (If you try hard, you can pass.)
    • もし寒くても、外で遊びたい (Even if it’s cold, I want to play outside.)

  2. Understand the clear cause-effect of 「もし〜たら」: Use it when describing what you’ll do if a condition happens.

    • もし遅刻したら、先生に謝ります (If I am late, I’ll apologize to the teacher.)

  3. Practice negation:

    • もしお金がなかったら、どうしますか? (If you didn’t have money, what would you do?)
    • もし雨が降らなければ、試合は予定通り行われます (If it doesn’t rain, the match will proceed as scheduled.)

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